July 24, 2016

Dyer Island Cruises - Kleinbaai (Gansbaai) - a (Wintery) Birding Activity


Welcome to a late posting of Where the birds at.

For this entry, I am going to discuss a bird trip that I participated in Mid-June last month

Pelagic Bird Trips (more specifically the Dyer Island Pelagic Birding Cruise).

Located in the world-famous Great White Shark hotspot and the well-known location where people have the chance to have close encounters with this endangered shark, the Dyer Island Cruises operates from the town of Kleinbaai, near Gansbaai.

The reason behind choosing this revolves mainly around the fact that I already highlighted Pelagic trips as a recommended winter birding activity (see my post Birding through the seasons - winter) along with the fact that this was my first pelagic trip experience (as I missed out on the one that operates in Simon's Town).

Momma Bird - a Mother's Day dedication


Welcome to another entry of Where the birds at.

On this special day - known globally as Mother's Day (in South African time anyway), I will celebrating Mother's Day in this special segment of Where the birds at.

In dedication to my own mother, the other mothers in my family, and any other mother reading this blog, my gift to them will be a post that includes what this blog is about: birds.

My inspiration for this special post came about when deciding on what I can give to my mom on her special day that (as the cliche and/or proverb) that comes from the heart and put a personal spin on it.

After many ideas (ranging from chocolates, flowers and DIY Mother's Day gifts), it struck me that the perfect gift could be a written work from my own brain and fingers that reflects who I am as a person, but also reflecting what my Mom means to me, and what it means an avian mother in the natural world.